At Sahul, we recognise and respect the Traditional Owners and their connection to the land on which we live and operate.  These include the Njamal (owners of the site of our operations), Palyku (in and around the township of Nullagine) and the Whadjuk People (Perth and surrounds).


Native Title Agreements

The Njamal native title claim NNTT number WC1999/008 is the only registered native title claim over all tenements within the Project area. The Njamal have given the Njamal Heritage Services Pty Ltd instructions to represent them in all matters including heritage and heritage surveys. Sahul has heritage agreements in place with the Njamal claimants for all granted tenements.

Sahul has completed three heritage surveys during the course of the Bonney Downs Project (E46/1148). These include, one ethnographic and two archaeological surveys which were completed between 2019 and 2020. Artefacts were recorded by GPS device and locations flagged in the GIS.

The Quartz Circle feature is recorded as an area of significance and no disturbance work is to be carried within a 50m radius of the feature.