Our story

Some interesting ground North of Nullagine became available in 2016. As a result, Exploration License Number EL46/1148 consisting of 45 graticular blocks covering this ground was applied for and granted in July 2017. At the centre of this Exploration License there still existed seven Prospecting Licenses over areas known as Quartz Circle and The Igloo. These licenses were purchased from Cove Resources Limited in 2016. Now the complete Exploration License was available for exploration.

 The ground has a long history of exploration with a number of companies exploring over various sections of the Exploration License. These included Alcoa of Australia, AMAX Australia, Antelope Exploration, Australian Ores and Minerals , BHP, Cazaly Resources, Clackline Refractories Limited, Cove Resources, CRA Exploration, Giralia Resources, Graynic Metals, Pancontinental Resources, Placer Prospecting, RGC Exploration and Sabminco N L.

Gold, copper, lead and zinc rich areas had previously been discovered but not followed up to their full potential. Our exploration team decided on an old school approach to evaluating the ground. Complete and full interrogation of existing historical data and a “boots on the ground” approach to following up previous discoveries.

Over the past seven years 30 square kilometres have been sampled over 10 grids. These produced 7411 soil samples and 1350 rock chip samples.

These programs resulted in the discovery of new gold rich areas. Two of these are our current focus of attention: the 1550 find and the “Heart” deposit. To this date we have drilled 147 RC holes and 3 diamond holes.

Possibly the most exciting characteristic of our finds is just how shallow the gold is with much of the gold bearing intervals extending to surface.


Sahul Exploration’s (Sahul) exploration leases (ELs) are located in the East Pilbara, between the Nullagine and Marble Bar townships (Figure 1).  Access to the project areas is easy via the unsealed Marble Bar Road then along unsealed well maintained station tracks.

The group of tenements make up the company’s Bonney Downs and Copper Hills Projects.

tenement Summary

The company’s tenements are shown on the location map and summary table below. To date the company has been granted 6 leases, totalling 258 Km2.

The Bonney Downs and Copper Hills Projects each comprises three granted ELs.